2,000 Translations Later: Your Favorites From Tuts+ Design & Illustration

Almost exactly two years ago we published our first translation; a step into the unknown, a risk perhaps, but something we felt sure our community would be enthusiastic about. Fast forward to today and we’ve published over 2,000 translations, ranging across 41 different languages, submitted by almost 600 dedicated volunteers. These posts see around a quarter of a million monthly pageviews and are helping us build upon our strong global community.

Thank You!

2,000 is a very significant milestone–thank you, community members. You rock! I should also thank translation platform Native, without which we’d still be wrestling with text files and email.

So which translations and which languages have fared best on Envato Tuts+ Design & Illustration over the last two years?

Most Active Language: Chinese (Traditional)

The top ten most visited Design & Illustration translations reveal a broad range of languages, including French, Russian, Indonesian, Spanish, Arabic, and Chinese (both simplified and traditional). This diversity isn’t found on any other topic at Envato Tuts+.

Most significantly, the number one slot is filled by 10個阻擋你進步的繪圖迷思. This Chinese translation sky rocketed across social media, making it the most visited single post of any language (including English) across the whole network in 2015! Its success gave us reason to seriously consider how we’re approaching our Chinese audience–I’ll let you know what we’re doing about that in a moment.

For now, here are the top three visited translations for this topic:

Most Widely Translated Tutorial: Create a Pride Rainbow Gradient Overlay in Adobe Illustrator

Perfectly reflecting D&I’s diversity, this tutorial by Sharon drew in 9 translations.

The most visited of these translations is (wait for it) the Japanese Adobeイラストレーターでレインボープライドカラーのグラデーションオーバーレイを作る. Love it!

Most Productive Translator: Maja Petek

Croatian is one of our less prominent languages, but thanks exclusively to Maja’s dedication (and love of Design & Illustration) we now have 37 Croatian translations which bring in growing numbers of visitors every week.

Here are the top three most productive translators for this topic:

Where Next?

We’ve built a great foundation for a truly global educational platform. Thanks to this solid start we’re reaching more people than ever, helping them learn and understand creative subjects.

We’d like to continue this growth, especially in less prominent languages. If you can help, please volunteer by clicking the Translate this post button in the sidebar of a tutorial which interests you! Read more about what this entails by going to Translate for Envato Tuts+.

Help us spread the word by sharing translations on social media, and sign up to our newsletter to stay up to date.

If you’d specifically like to hear about our progress in China, talk to Kendra; our feet on the ground in Beijing. Kendra is working to build our community in China, talking with translators and instructors, and managing Chinese social media. Get in touch via Twitter @kendraschaefer, or through WeChat at kendrakai

Check out How do you say Envato in Chinese? to get a taste of what Kendra’s doing.

नबिर्सनुहोस्! (“Don’t Forget”, in Nepali)

Don’t forget: the translation project belongs to you! Let us know if you have any ideas, criticism, or suggestions to improve what we’re doing!